Young Men Are Not Alright
American young men are not alright and we first need to recognize it
A collection of my best writing.
American young men are not alright and we first need to recognize it
This book will inspire you to study the Gnostic Gospels more.
Warren Buffett’s 2023 Annual Shareholders Letter is as insightful as ever
Why Elon Musk will likely lose in his lawsuit against OpenAI
Casey Neistat vlogs are legendary and I learned 10 big takeaways after watching all 800.
How unreasonable hospitality is a not only a book on fine dining, but everyday life.
Late bloomers are never too late to experience success – here are 9 success stories that happened later in life that must be told.
Exploring how people will act on their deathbed, including myself.
Cobalt Red reveals the bloody and dark side of cobalt mining in the Congo, and how we’re all responsible for it.
Have you ever seen someone die in person? Before June 25th, I never had. Witnessing it changed everything for me. Emotionally. Philosophically. Spiritually. Before diving into those changes, let’s focus on death itself. Specifically, my dad’s death. I never dwelled on death before Now I do. In my early thirties, Read more…