Welcome To PolisPandit

Published by PolisPandit on

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Welcome.  I started this publication around the time I started writing on Medium in late 2018.  As a disaffected Millennial Republican who found himself awash in the antidemocratic rhetoric and actions of the Trump administration, I wanted to create a space to promote democracy, free market principles (with reasonable controls), and civil liberties.

I initially named it The Millennial Republican.  I wanted to advocate for a new kind of Republicanism that had evolved with the generations.  One that stood for free market principles (again, with reasonable controls) but was also socially progressive.  The words and actions of the current GOP – particularly since Trump – betrayed not only Republican ideology and values, but also an evolving America.

That initial name for this publication though was too limiting.  It was fine for my own writing given I am a Millennial, but I knew that if I ever wanted to attract and include other perspectives, voices, and opinions, the name needed to reflect that philosophical approach.  

Welcome to PolisPandit.  

As described on the publication’s About page, “The publication name derives its meaning from the Ancient Greece city states (“Polis”) and a wise man or teacher (“Pandit”).”  There is also an accompanying website with additional content.   

My dream is for the PolisPandit publication to inspire people to think differently.  The content published here should help readers question authority, think critically, and speak truth to power.  

It is imperative, however, that the questioning has limits – nobody should be blind to truth.  For example, what actually happened at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 (hint: an attempted coup) and the results of the November 2020 U.S. Presidential Election (spoiler: Trump lost).  So while we should always question authority, there is no need to relitigate whether the sky is blue (absent new evidence).

In addition to politics and political philosophy, I want PolisPandit to be about something more – individual people.  If we promote content that inspires people to think differently about macro and societal issues, we should also apply some of those same concepts at a more micro level.  As Socrates said, “An unexamined life is not worth living.”

Therefore, PolisPandit will publish thoughtful and thoroughly researched pieces not only on politics and political philosophy, but also under the broader section of “Self.”  Here, we will feature content that promotes the examined life, whether it’s developing a neutral mindset or balancing sleep and success.

If you have or want to write content that fits this vision, send me a private note or comment to this article.  

We have recently published great pieces from our first external writers, including Mpdoc and Travis Truong.  Check out their respective pieces on manipulating the masses and the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling on the Texas abortion law.

In the coming weeks, we will feature the content we publish on a weekly basis via the PolisPandit Newsletter.  Follow the publication if you’re interested in joining the conversation.  

About Me. 

Logan Stone is a pseudonym.  For almost a decade I worked for a Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives and as a lawyer in financial services.  I have witnessed firsthand how the sausage gets made both on Capitol Hill and Wall St.  

Now I am a stay-at-home dad who writes whenever he has “free time.”  Not only do I want to bring to you what I have learned over the course of my career, but I want to promote a space that will foster critical thought and discussion.  The type of discourse that contextualizes issues and avoids easy soundbites.  The world increasingly lacks this type of dialogue amidst the Tweets, Snaps, and TikToks.  

I would be honored if you want to join me on this adventure.  Cheers.        

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