Spring Has Arrived

As cold weather and near blizzard conditions ravage the midwest, south, and eastern seaboard of the United States, it seems ridiculous to say that spring has finally arrived throughout the entire country.  No, it has nothing to do with Groundhog Day, nor does it have anything to do with the Read more…

2015: The Year of the Goose

Canada Goose.  If you have not heard of this company, well, you should have because 2015 is the year of the goose.  Yes, Kate Upton adorned one of their coats back in February 2013, but this year it will go full mainstream. Already considered a cult by some, especially those in Read more…

Lessons for a New Week

Benjamin Franklin was known for many things.  He wore numerous hats – he was a printer, scientist, philosopher, and statesman, amongst others.  Early in his life when he was still finding his way in the world he set upon a moral perfection project, aiming to achieve the highest level of Read more…