About PolisPandit – Make Critical Thinking Your Superpower


The PolisPandit mission is to make critical thinking your superpower.

Hi, I’m John Polonis and I am the Editor here at PolisPandit.

I am a lawyer with experience in government and at some of the largest financial institutions in the world where I was paid to think critically.

Over the past few decades, I’ve watched as society has descended deeper into a critical thinking crisis:

  • Misinformation and disinformation proliferate
  • Many of us can easily fall prey to persuasive forces that don’t have our best interests at heart
  • The rise of artificial intelligence is creating new challenges in discerning truth from fiction

I witnessed friends and family members succumb to deceptive information, and appeal to authority (or worse: cults of personality) instead of critiquing the substance of their communications.

At PolisPandit, I’ve made it my mission to empower people to think more critically amidst the threats posed by our complex, fast-paced world.

We address these threats head-on by equipping you with the critical thinking tools and skills to:

  • Identify and counteract misinformation and disinformation
  • Make better decisions in your personal and professional life
  • Become your own editor in a world that now demands it

Join fellow Pandit Thinkers and start sharpening your critical thinking skills today by subscribing to our newsletter below:  

For more on the critical thinking crisis, watch here:

In addition to PolisPandit, we also run a publication on Medium called The Political Prism where we celebrate diverse viewpoints and objective political analysis. Check it out!

For more on my experience and background, check out my LinkedIn profile.

You can also follow me at the links below:


Brian Poole · July 21, 2024 at 3:36 am

John who? Why is it so difficult to find your last name? I can’t cite you academically, and I can’t recommend anonymous sources. Who are you?

    PolisPandit · September 12, 2024 at 10:23 am

    Great feedback, thank you. I’ve updated this about me section.

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